Monday, April 18, 2011

Thomas the Train

Ryan is home and we are super excited.  Yay!! He started work today at his new job in the Woodlands.  We are trying to decide if we want to stay in our house or try to sell our house and move closer to his office.  We already tried to sell our house in the last 2 years and it didn't get many viewings, so we don't know yet what we are doing.  

I visited a friend's blog recently and saw that she and her family did A Day with Thomas and it looked awesome.  We lucked out in that it was in Rusk this past weekend which is only 3 hours away from us.  So we packed up the kids on Thursday and took them on a suprise trip to Rusk, TX.  The kids were very excited about sleeping in a hotel and stayed up till 10:30, eek.  We got up early Friday morning and went to the train station.  We had so much fun and the people were all very friendly.  The Thomas train will be in Burnet in September and we might just have to go do it again. 

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