I haven't updated in forever and it seems like a recurrent theme on this blog. I am trying to finish up school and hopefully if I am successful I will be done this December. I hope that once school is over, I will be able to get on the computer and do more fun things, like updating my blog.
I have plans to post pictures soon, but while you're waiting enjoy this video. Of course, Schroeder is now allergic to bananas, but at the time nobody knew, so he is enjoying his banana.
DIY Forsythia Spring Porch!
5 days ago
AW! He loved his banana - poor thing has to be allergic to all the yummies. He is so cute! LOVE him. I can't wait for more pictures and even pics of little precious girl. Looking forward to her arrival!
(Sounds like Simone wanted some of that banana, too - lol)
That is so cute! You should send that in to Funniest Home Videos!!
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