Wednesday, August 1, 2012


December was a busy month between Mackenzie's birthday and party and Christmas time. 
The end of the month was spent having ZiZi's party, the Petty Christmas, our christmas, and then off to the 3 different sets of grandparent's.  We were busy and opened tons of presents (not that I'm complaining!!). 

Mackenzie's party

ZiZi (nicknamed by Schroeder) will not still very long for a picture and if she does then she does a funny tilt to her head.  Sooooo, I didn't get many great pics of her at the party but she had a great Princess party playing with friends and eating her princess cake.

Our Christmas

Christmas at Nonni's house

Christmas at Grandad and Nana's house

Christmas at Margaret's house (with the in-laws)

Schroeder got a Spiderman mask and the rest of us had too much fun opening presents to take any pictures. 

We were quite busy and came home with quite the stash of goodies. Mackenzie had birthday presents and Christmas presents so she had tons of new toys to use. All in all it was a busy month but we had fun seeing friends and family.

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