Friday, August 12, 2011

Dinosaur Exhibit

This summer we joined the Museum of Natural Science and History and got to see the Dinosaur Exhibit at the Sugarland museum.  I don't know about the kids, but I had a blast checking out the dinosaurs and can't wait to go back again.

 my kids, so photogenic!!

 this is a turtle, wow, that's one ginormous turtle!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Moving and Selling

It's almost official!!

We will officially have our house up for sale by this Saturday. 

When Ryan came home from Afghanistan it was to a new job in the Woodlands.  That's great, we love him having a job right after coming home except that we live in the Cypress area which is very far away from the Woodlands. 

 I love my house. 
I love the open spaces. 
I love all the space and nooks and crannies that I've been afforded in this house. 

I do not love my small yard. 
 I do not love sitting on my front patio and having people's car lights in my eyes because we are at the cross street. 

We decided it would time well spent to just look and see what houses were available near Ryan's office.  We happened to find an older home that has an large, shaded big back yard and a covered patio.  It has a big garage and a storage shed and it's only 8 miles from ryan's office. 


The downside, no gameroom and an itty bitty kitchen/pantry.  It also has wood paneling throughout the living room and a fireplace. 

But I can live without a game room and I can paint over the walls and one day redo my kitchen if it means my family can have an awesome back yard and we can be minutes from Ryan's office.

So we put an offer on it and after some negotiations they agreed to sell us their house.  We will be closing next week and moving out of our house about two weeks later.  We will have our house listed this weekend but only living here while it's listed for a few weeks.  Hopefully, all our updates and paint will help our house sell fast so we only have one mortgage to worry about.  I'll post pics soon of our new house. 

I can't wait to get in the new house and paint, paint, paint!! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My cutie patatooties

So my kids are close in age and usually have a love/hate relationship.  Lately they love much more than they dislike each other so they have been getting into all kinds of trouble together.  And of course everything brother can do, sister can do better, this seems to be the motto in my house.  (Please ignore my daughter's lack of shorts, lately she pulls them off as soon as I look away.)

Mackenzie is trying to pull her brother on the blanket.  He is ginormous and she had a hard time getting him around.
She finally has given up and has decided to play with him, I love their smiles!! 
 Schroeder has decided it's his turn, of course Z is much easier to pull around.

 Mama and Schroeder before school (ignore the jelly covered mouth)
 Z decided she should pose for Daddy

Z got a new Dora nightgown and a pink hat, so she decided she should wear her new nightgown in the middle of the day.  And Schroeder thought he should wear a hat if she was wearing a hat.  Of course, he picked one of Z's hats.  
What is she thinking, that is a confused look. 

My Dora gown and spring hat, tada!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thomas the Train

Ryan is home and we are super excited.  Yay!! He started work today at his new job in the Woodlands.  We are trying to decide if we want to stay in our house or try to sell our house and move closer to his office.  We already tried to sell our house in the last 2 years and it didn't get many viewings, so we don't know yet what we are doing.  

I visited a friend's blog recently and saw that she and her family did A Day with Thomas and it looked awesome.  We lucked out in that it was in Rusk this past weekend which is only 3 hours away from us.  So we packed up the kids on Thursday and took them on a suprise trip to Rusk, TX.  The kids were very excited about sleeping in a hotel and stayed up till 10:30, eek.  We got up early Friday morning and went to the train station.  We had so much fun and the people were all very friendly.  The Thomas train will be in Burnet in September and we might just have to go do it again. 


I haven't taken many pictures lately because we have been taken over by sickness in this house.  We've been sick about 7/8 times since the end of December.  Many times we get sick just 2 weeks after getting better from the last time we were sick.  So I have rarely taken my camera out, but I am hoping to rectify this soon. 

 We got new couches in December and the kids love to bounce and play all over them.  I decided to take some pictures of the kids being goobers.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Zoo in December

The Zoo in December

Portrait Innovations 2010

Ryan came home for 10 days in December and we managed to get some family pictures before everybody got sick and before Daddy went home. The kids weren't very cooperative but we managed to get a few great shots!