It's not really camping anymore because in the last 15 years we have stayed in a cabin down along the river, but we still grill outside, have a campfire(when there is no burn ban), and eat with camping utensils.
My dad and stepmother had the bigger cabin and the shaded trees, so each day we headed their direction to hang out and eat supper together. While we were waiting to eat, Schroeder found some sticks, dirt, leaves, and just about anything to play with while he was outside. At our house our backyard gets the setting sun and since we have no patio cover, it gets very hot. Schroeder doesn't get to play outside much, so he was in hog heaven playing outside.
We wanted to do smores, but since there was a burn ban we had to use the grill. Ryan was trying to hold onto Schroeder to help him to his own, but it got too hot.

he decided he could stand a little closer.

Last summer when I took Schroeder to camping he was on a gluten free diet and couldn't eat anything we had. It was nice this year to let him try some of the foods we ate. This was his first attempt at trying to eat a smore.

He realize he needs to just get in there and bite down.

Can you tell he doesn't want to get messy, he's using as little fingers as possible.

Poor Schroeder got worn out from licking the chocolate, I mean eating the smore. He actually never ate it and gave it to his dad.

Daddy and Mackenzie

Down at the river

Sitting in the water for the first time.

We caught a minnow and Schroeder had to keep checking on it.