The Zoo
We decided to go to Zoo Boo at the Houston Zoo the morning of Halloween. The weather said it would be cool in the morning, so our kids didn't wear their costumes to the zoo, but the animals didn't mind. In fact, it appeared several times that the animals were posing just for us. Wasn't that so nice and considerate of them.
Our church didn't have a trunk-or-treat this year, but we managed to find one near us that had a fall festival of sorts on Halloween, so we decided our kids would get dressed up and we do that instead of going door to door for candy. They had all kinds of inflatable bouncing things that were too big for Schroeder to do, but they did have a trunk-or-treat, a small petting zoo and some fun games to play. We had a great time.

His first score for the day.
My pirate, arggh
He got bandaged in the Kooky clinic.
Have sword, will use. Give me my candy!