Ryan and I went to my 20 week ultrasound last Friday. When we saw the technician, she asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby and we said yes. She turned the machine on and immediately said "Ya'll are having a daughter and here she is with her legs spread open." Leave it to my daughter to not have any modesty.

The arrow points to the girl parts.

Here is a picture of her foot.

This is a side profile.
At the end when the technician asked if we were happy with the pictures, I asked her to confirm we were having a girl. I have this fear we would be told it was one sex only to find out the day of delivery that is of the opposite sex. She asked if I wanted her to zoom in and magnify the area and I said yes. Below is the picture of our little girl with her legs still spread open and showing us she is definitely a little girl.

The technician said we can keep the due date and that she is weighing about 1lb. So far everything on the baby looks great. I talked with my doctor and because I had so many problems with the epidural(it never worked and the shots they gave me never worked), I will probably be having a Csection. Ryan hopes I go into labor before the new year, so we can get a tax break for this year. My due date is January 6th, so we will see what happens. I will get to schedule the Csection, so I may beg for a day at the end of December so both grandmothers who are in the teaching profession will be able to come without missing days.