Thursday, February 7, 2008


Schroeder received a plaid outfit from a f riend and he just looked so cute in it that I had to take some pictures.

Auntie M went to Switzerland this summer and brought back some authentic Swiss onesies for Schroeder. He is just now able to wear them, so I took a few pictures of him wearing one. Auntie M is working in Iraq and unable to see Schroeder up close and personal. Auntie M I hope you enjoy the pics.

Christmas Part 2

My aunt Linda painted this picture for Schroeder.

I'm thinking he likes to open presents!!

He looks like he has an Elvis grin going on.

He had too much fun opening presents and he fell asleep when we sitting at the table eating a meal.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Christmas morning

Schroeder opening his new train.

My train

Should I pet her?

I did it, I touched Sydney

My Bob the Builder movie
Ryan and Schroeder

Schroeder's new ATM hat. I guess he likes it.
He loves his new puppy towel.

Schroeder's Santa present, he's not sure what to do now.

Chrismas visit with family

"Smooch, I love you"

Cousin Darren, Aunt Ra-Ra, Cousin Becca, and Schroeder

Cousin Darren and Cousin Cuatro anxiously awaiting the opening of presents.

No, more presents, I'm done.

Grandma and Schroeder

Daddy and Schroeder

Happy Baby

Friday, February 1, 2008

Favorite Pictures

My favorite picture of my Babydoll and my baby. It was taken the day Ryan went back to Iraq. Can't wait for my Babydoll to come back home to me and stay here for good.

My favorite picture of Schroeder, my sweet little boy.